Top 5 Mutual Funds for SIP to Invest in 2018

Systematic Investment Plan – SIP

SIP plans are plans in which the investors invest their money into and get a return after the capital appreciation by the funds being invested into market areas like debts, stocks, smaller companies, equities, etc.

Top SIP plans for 2018, invest now!

Aditya Birla SL Small & Midcap Fund

The Aditya Birla SL small and midcap fund is one of the top and best sip investments to put your money into in the year 2018.

It includes both mid – cap and small funds. It mostly focuses on the mid – cap funds but it has both small cap and mid cap funds.

The Aditya Birla SL small and midcap fund sip mutual fund has been giving a 15 % return yearly. If you want to get good returns, then it is advisable to out your money into this SIP plan for tenure lasting at least 5 years. This is a low investment mutual fund as the minimum SIP sum amount you can invest during the intervals is an affordable INR 1000.

Number of years or term of mutual fund Percentage of return
Returns after the duration of 1 year 55.29 %
Returns after the duration of 5 years 27.77 %

Blue Chip Fund by SBI

Another one of the top mutual funds for SIP investments is the SBI Blue Chip Fund. This SIP investment plan has been providing the investors with consistent returns over the years. In 5 years, the investor might get a high return of at least 18.51 %.

It is advisable to keep investing into the Blue Chip fund by the state bank of India for at least a term of 4 years if you want to receive returns which amount to a significant increase which is higher than the amount that was invested into the systematic investment plan mutual fund.

The Blue Chip Fund by the state bank of India is a low investment sip mutual fund as the minimum investment amount an investor can put in is INR 500 during the intervals. The following are the returns year – wise:

Number of years or term of mutual fund Percentage of return
Returns after the duration of 1 year 30.21 %
Returns after the duration of 5 years 18.51 %

Small Cap Fund by Reliance

The following are the returns according to the number of years the money was invested into them by the investors into Reliance Small Cap Fund SIP mutual funds on a yearly basis:

Number of years or term of mutual fund Percentage of return
Returns after the duration of 1 year 31.3 %
Returns after the duration of 3 years 21.0 %
Returns after the duration of 5 years 30.0 %

The Small Cap Fund by Reliance sip mutual fund invests the funds of the investors into stocks and shares of companies with small market capitalization.  The reliance small cap fund is one of the best SIP plans.

It has been giving at least 21 % returns per year. It is advisable to invest into the Reliance Small Cap fund for at least 5 years to get good returns. This is one of the SIP plans which invest the funds into smaller companies to get capital appreciations.

HDFC Small Cap Fund

HDFC offers one of the top systematic investments plan mutual funds to invest into which is the small cap fund. This systematic investments plan mutual fund has been giving great returns to the investors who have invested their hard earned money into the plan.

It is a long term fund which has an ideal term of over 6 years for the best possible in the year 2017, the HDFC small cap fund had a tremendous percentage of return amount to a high 61.52 %. Let us have a look at the returns year – wise:

Number of years or term of mutual fund Percentage of return
Returns after the duration of 1 year 61.52 %
Returns after the duration of 5 years 23.28 %

The HDFC Small Cap fund systematic investment plan mutual fund is a low investment mutual fund as it allows a really low sum amount of money to be invested into the sip plan in every interval. The minimum amount of money that can be invested is a super low INR 500.

Mirae Asset Emerging Blue chip Fund

Number of years or term of mutual fund Percentage of return
Returns after the duration of 1 year 25.3 %
Returns after the duration of 3 years 23.7 %
Returns after the duration of 5 years 29.6 %

The Mirae Asset Emerging Blue Chip Fund is one of the plans with best sip investments in India. In the past 5 years, this mutual fund SIP plan has had over good 29 % of returns on a yearly basis.

This systematic investment plan mutual fund works in a way that it invests the funds of the investors into Indian equities as well as equity related securities so that the capital can be appreciated through investing into diversified portfolios and give really good returns to the investors who have invested their hard earned money into the best sip investments.


These are the top 5 best sip investments to invest your money into so that you can get good returns. It is advisable to invest into them for a long period of time to reap the best benefits as systematic investment plans worm the best when invested into for long term duration as it helps the fund accrue a large sum of money over a duration.

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Cheryl Zhao
Cheryl Zhao

Cheryl Zhao, a financial expert, has been a part of our team for five years. After earning her MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management, she worked as a real estate broker before turning to blogging. Cheryl’s extensive knowledge of the housing market and trends, coupled with her passion for financial literacy, makes her blog posts an essential read for anyone considering becoming financially independent.

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