Sugar free Tiramisu

When i was 18 years i must have probably slept in the fridge for days (or weeks) and ate everything that dropped in my mouth while snoring (i can’t back that up with any scientific research, but i am pretty sure that’s what happened),otherwise i can’t explain the 10 extra kilos i gained in that period. Add that I am kind of 1 meter and a coke tall (ok, 2 cokes.. i am 1,65 m) and you could think of me as a sexy hot muffin.

Anyway, that’s not what i wanted to talk about. I wanted to share with you one of my guilty free dessert: sugar-free tiramisu. I made this recipe when i was dieting on a low carb diet (actually ketogenic diet, aka high fat, very low carb) and needed something to fix my sweet tooth



– 500 gr mascarpone

– 2 eggs

– 2 tbsp xylitol/erythritol (1 xylitol, 1 erythritol.. or 2 xylitol..or 2 erythritol.. i like the first option better)

– 10 drops stevia

Beat mascarpone cheese with egg yolks until smooth and even texture. in a separate bowl, whisk egg whites with sweeteners and then gently fold the mixture into the mascarpone and egg yolk cream. Put it in the fridge until preparing the crust.

Crust (or whatever it is called)

– 100 gr almon flour

– 3 eggs

– 2 tbsp xylitol/erythritol (1 xylitol, 1 erythritol.. or 2 xylitol..or 2 erythritol.. i like the first option better)

– 10 drops stevia

Separate yolks from egg whites.. whisk the egg whites with sweeteners and then incorporate almond flour and egg yolks. Bake at 175 degrees C for about 20 minutes.

Cut into shapes and dip them into coffe with a little rum. One crust layer, one cream layer. Everything in the fridge for a few hours and voila ! Ready to eat.

Montignac (i think phase II), atkins (also phase II), ketogenic, low-carb friendly.



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Cheryl Zhao
Cheryl Zhao

Cheryl Zhao, a financial expert, has been a part of our team for five years. After earning her MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management, she worked as a real estate broker before turning to blogging. Cheryl’s extensive knowledge of the housing market and trends, coupled with her passion for financial literacy, makes her blog posts an essential read for anyone considering becoming financially independent.

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