Six easy ways to cut back on costs and save for your retirement

No matter what stage of life you’re in, it’s never too early to start saving for your retirement. In fact, the earlier you start, the more you can save, and the easier life will be when you actually retire. Here are six easy ways you can save money in everyday life, so you can accumulate more for your retirement.

Plan your shopping trip

There’s a lot to be said for a shopping list, but if you want to save real money on your grocery shopping, you will need to take that list one step further. The first thing to do is find coupons for the groceries you need. Once you have your coupons, make a list of everything you need for the week.

Try to do one weekly shop. This will avoid numerous trips to the shops, which not only saves on fuel costs, but can also stop you buying things you don’t need. Use your coupons and keep an eye out for bulk buys. Consider getting a card for a bulk goods store, and always research large purchases online before you buy.


Cut back on dining out

Dining out at restaurants, getting fast food and take-out, snacking at vending machines, and stopping off for coffee and cake at coffee shops is often the most convenient option. However, it’s also usually the most expensive option, and provides an easy way to drain your wallet.

Try to eat at home whenever possible, and treat yourself to a meal out once in a while. As well as benefiting your wallet, this can also benefit your health. When you cook your own meals, you know exactly what goes in them, helping you cut back on fatty, high cholesterol, processed foods.

Know your discounts

When you become a senior, a whole world of discounts is opened up to you. Don’t be embarrassed to ask about discounts and take advantage of them. Using senior discounts, you can save money on travel, dining and entertainment, such as cinema and theatre tickets. If a senior discount isn’t advertised, be sure to ask if they offer one. They often will.

Sell your second car

Cars are expensive. Taking into account the initial cost of the car, plus fuel costs, insurance, taxes and maintenance, owning a car can be very costly. If you have two cars, think about whether you really need the second car. You may find that you can get by without it, and save yourself a heap of money in the process.

Do a financial health-check

When you have home loans, personal loans, car loans and credit cards, it’s vital that you do regular financial health checks to make sure you’re not paying more than you have to. Compare what you are currently paying with what else is on the market, and refinance if it helps you save money.

This is especially important with high interest credit cards. Make sure you always pay off the balance each month, and if you’re having trouble paying off your debt, consider switching to a balance transfer card.

At this point, take a good look at your investments as well. Do some research or speak to a financial adviser to find out how to make the most of your investments. Diversifying your investments is generally recommended.

Plan for your retirement

If you want to make the most of your retirement, you need to make a plan. Some countries have compulsory retirement funds where employers must pay a portion if your salary into. This is known as a superannuation guarantee and you can find out more by visiting this site. Think about when you want to retire, and how much you will need to retire on (there are calculators that can help with this).

Make a retirement plan, and find the best retirement fund for your needs.

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Cheryl Zhao
Cheryl Zhao

Cheryl Zhao, a financial expert, has been a part of our team for five years. After earning her MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management, she worked as a real estate broker before turning to blogging. Cheryl’s extensive knowledge of the housing market and trends, coupled with her passion for financial literacy, makes her blog posts an essential read for anyone considering becoming financially independent.

Articles: 541

One comment

  1. All great points. I’d like to add a few to your list!
    – Pay yourself first by putting 10% of your gross income in an investment account. Live on what’s left.
    – Don’t pay for “extended warrantees” or “insurance” on technology or auto purchases. They sell those products because they are very lucrative for the seller!
    – If you can’t pay for a vehicle with cash, don’t buy it.
    – If you don’t have enough room to store all your belongings at your home, get rid of the excess. Paying for storage is costly. Just look at how profitable Public Storage is…I own their stock but I don’t use their services!


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