Is Using Fake Credit Card Numbers Illegal?

Is using fake credit card numbers illegal? Find out when your credit card is rejected and if using a fake one is legal or not.

Getting approved for a credit card is not an easy game. I remember when we immigrated to the US, even if we had a pretty decent savings account and a pristine track record with Chase, on our checking accounts, getting a credit card was impossible.

My husband was finally accepted by Chase after he got a job, so he could prove his monthly income and I decided to use a Capital One Secured Credit Card (which I use to this day). Otherwise, no way.

We even tried a Macy’s or Amazon credit cards, but were rejected. We were interested in finding how to improve credit score, as we had no credit whatsoever and needed some history here as well.

Have you ever used fake credit card numbers?

If you are a dunce like I am, chances are you got some payments rejected in the past. The most common reasons why your payments were rejected are pretty simple and there’s nothing illegal in them:

  • your credit card expired (if you have more than one and never look at their expiration dates, you might try to make a payment and have it rejected)
  • you went over your monthly credit limit. If you know how credit cards work, you’ll know that you cannot spend unlimited money, so, you could go over this limit and have the payment rejected. That’s why it makes sense to try and look at your payments every once in a while, so that you don’t get into trouble.
  • the shipping address and the billing address don’t match – some stores would refuse to charge your credit card, if the credit card address is not the same with the one you need to ship to. Happened to my husband, when he tried to order an espresso machine. We gladly paid 600 bucks on it, only to have the payment rejected, because his credit card was still registered at our previous address. Oh, well, we actually got so annoyed, we didn’t buy it anymore, so we just saved 600 bucks 😀
  • No.1 reason: you typed the numbers wrong – something that routinely happens to me. So, even if you are not actually using a fake credit card, as the numbers don’t match, your payment will be declined.

Is Using Fake Credit Card Numbers Illegal?

YES! It is and it will get you in very deep trouble.

All my examples above were MISTAKES that we sometimes do, when using our credit cards.

We’ll type in the wrong numbers or mistake our name on the card. It’s possible to forget the credit card was expired or we passed over our credit limit. We might even forget to update our current address in the bank account.

But going after all kinds of credit card generators and using fake credit cards is illegal.

Even if you don’t use cloned credit cards yourself, just using the fake credit card numbers illegally from a website online will potentially get you in trouble.

What to do when you want to use a trial service that requires your credit card and you don’t have one?

Well, my rule is that, if a website/service cannot provide me a decent trial, without a credit card, it’s not something I’d be interested in. Because, most of the time you would get into that trial period, forget to remove your subscription and, voila, you’re getting charged for a service you weren’t actually interested in using anymore.

I usually go with PayPal, in the very few instances I though said service was “vital” for myself, and then make a note to remove the sibscription.

So, once again … Is using fake credit card numbers illegal? Yes, it is. Stay away from this, use a legit credit card, if you really have to, use PayPal, when possible and NEVER get into credit card fraud, even if it seems harmless.

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Cheryl Zhao
Cheryl Zhao

Cheryl Zhao, a financial expert, has been a part of our team for five years. After earning her MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management, she worked as a real estate broker before turning to blogging. Cheryl’s extensive knowledge of the housing market and trends, coupled with her passion for financial literacy, makes her blog posts an essential read for anyone considering becoming financially independent.

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