Guide on Writing an MBA Finance Dissertation

Guide on Writing an MBA Finance Dissertation

Writing an MBA finance dissertation can be a nerve-wracking experience. After all, it’s only your name and reputation that is on the line.

Fortunately, for you, we’re going to help you with your MBA finance dissertation by providing you with some tips and tricks to pass with flying colors.

Even though some of these steps might seem obvious to some, many students fail to follow through on a well-planned game plan. The following steps will help you organize your thoughts, find your voice and deliver a solid message.

Choosing the subject matter

The first thing you need to do is to know what you’re going to be writing about it. There are so many perspectives one can take, however finding something that is relevant and interesting is key.

You need to find a topic that has real-world value. It should be an applicable hypothesis that can apply to your target industry or sector. Many students rush through this process, however, take your time and indeed find a subject that will appeal to a broader audience.

To do this, you’ll need to make some general research, cross reference points of views and formulate your own opinion on a particular idea.

Drowning yourself in research

Many guides would recommend that you make a skeleton guide for your dissertation before research; however, we believe that if you gather information on general themes, it will help provide unique perspectives on your particular subject.

Once you have decided what you want to write about [generally speaking], you’ll find information that aligns with the subject matter. Take a few days to skim through the research and ‘download’ the data into your mind.

Then, you’ll start brainstorming on the ideas and create the structure for your dissertation afterward.

Creating structure

Now that you have the information, you’ll want to provide some structure to the dissertation. There are two areas to the thesis the introduction and the conclusion. Your job will be to fill out the ‘in between.’

To do this, take a piece of paper and write out the title of your Dissertation. You don’t have to be ‘sold’ to the idea of the title just yet; it’s merely for providing a guiding point for the rest of the work.

Below the title writes; Introduction.

Below the introduction, write out your main supporting arguments in bullet point. Each of these will become sections of your dissertation.

  • Below that, you’ll write conclusion.
  • Now you have the structure to your MBA finance dissertation.
  • Filling the ‘In Between’

Before you go and write, take a moment to go back to your research. Find supporting clauses within the study for each point. On your piece of paper, write the source of your supporting survey below the bullet point. Get between 3-5 of these sources before even considering writing.

Now that you have your research organized, it’s time to start writing.

  • Introduction. Within the introduction, you have one important mission. You need to communicate what you’re going to be talking about and why it’s relevant to the reader. The reader must clearly understand what you’re trying to teach and they should find some emotional or intellectual connection to the subject matter. It is why it’s essential to find subjects that have value in a real-world setting. Are you solving a significant problem? Are you pointing out a flaw in a system? Why is this important?
  • Body. Now that you have the introduction don’t think about what you’re writing next. Just free-flow based on your outline. Write without prejudice and let the creative juices flow. You already did some research; your brain has already organized thoughts. You’re the only job right now is to get the words on the paper and to follow your outline. We’ll worry about the content in the editing stage.
  • Conclusion. Most guides would recommend that you restate the original premise. However, that has done to death. Somewhat, elaborate on your original idea. Create the solution to the problem you stated in the beginning and once more, make it relevant to the reader.

This relevancy will allow the reader to retain the information longer, having a more profound impact on the experience.

Editing the hell out of it

Congratulations, you have your first draft done. Now it’s time to fine-tune it. Let it sit for a few days in a drawer and go on with your life.

We do this to reset your creator’s bias. When you look at the paper a few days after you wrote it, you’ll be more objective. It allows you to have a fresh perspective on your work.

First, read it through thoroughly. Don’t worry about editing anything. Merely underline areas that you identify to be lacking.

The next read sentences per sentence, then the entire paragraph. Continue this through the whole paper.

Finally, you can begin to make your edits. It is where you can insert your sources; hone the message to communicate effectively.

Additionally, you’ll want to give the edited version to a few colleagues for revisions as well. Finally, you’ll incorporate all of the edits and suggestions into your final paper. Rewrite it, and you do.

Following this guide will help you write a perfect and professional finance dissertation for getting your MBA degree.  

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Cheryl Zhao
Cheryl Zhao

Cheryl Zhao, a financial expert, has been a part of our team for five years. After earning her MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management, she worked as a real estate broker before turning to blogging. Cheryl’s extensive knowledge of the housing market and trends, coupled with her passion for financial literacy, makes her blog posts an essential read for anyone considering becoming financially independent.

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