Do You Commit These 5 Insurance Sins?

So, you’ve decided to take out some car insurance. Doing this online is a seemingly simple task, but did you know that each year thousands of people make costly mistakes when taking out car insurance?

Here are some of the most common mistakes that people make when taking out car insurance, to try and avoid in the future.

Withholding information

That little bump you had on the road four years ago may seem insignificant now, but if the insurance application asks if you’ve had an accident in the last five years, you need to include it.

Failure to include relevant information on your insurance form could result in your insurance being deemed invalid, and you could end up with a fine or driving conviction.

Remember: always tell the truth on insurance applications – it’s not worth the risk!

Being unaware of the type of cover you’ve taken out

This may sound obvious, but you’d be surprised at how many drivers each year think that they’re covered for every eventuality, just because they have insurance. When taking out a policy, read every detail carefully, to ensure that the cover offered is right for you and your driving habits.

For example, make sure you can afford the excess that’s mentioned on your policy. Sometimes, people are shocked when they come to claim for their insurance, and they haven’t realized they have to pay a £500 excess – so double check this before you commit.

Not comparing extras

Many insurance policies now come with extra perks, like roadside cover or even legal expenses.

To make sure you’re getting the best deal, make sure you compare the prices of buying the extras independently with the cost the policy as a whole. In some cases, the extras look great, but you may be able to get a better deal for your insurance if you buy your extras separately.

Letting price rule all

We know you want to take out insurance as cheaply as possible, but just because the cover is the cheapest, doesn’t necessarily mean you’re getting the best deal.

When comparing insurance quotes, don’t just look at the price, instead look at the whole picture to make sure you’re covered for everything you need to be – even if it costs you an extra couple of quid!

Failing to shop around

When taking out insurance, it’s tempting to just renew each year with your existing insurer. But did you know that doing this means you could be missing out on some fabulous insurance deals from other companies? Even if you feel a sense of loyalty to your current insurer, it’s essential to shop around a bit before you commit to another year.

If you don’t have time to shop around, we can do the hard work for you! We have superb relationships with lots of large and small insurers across the country, so we’re in a prime position to get you the best deal!

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Cheryl Zhao
Cheryl Zhao

Cheryl Zhao, a financial expert, has been a part of our team for five years. After earning her MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management, she worked as a real estate broker before turning to blogging. Cheryl’s extensive knowledge of the housing market and trends, coupled with her passion for financial literacy, makes her blog posts an essential read for anyone considering becoming financially independent.

Articles: 541

One comment

  1. Before purchasing our current car insurance, we shopped around like crazy. And when we found the company we’re with now, we couldn’t believe how much money we wasted on our old policy. We literally threw a few hundred bucks a year out the window and had even less coverage than we do now. Helps a great deal to pay attention to these things!

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