15 Financial Tips to Improve Your Finances Now

Not getting anywhere with your finances? Here are 15 financial tips to get you started.

When it comes to managing your money, there are so many financial tips, it’s almost impossible to find the right way to achieve your dreams. Some of these tips make more sense, others seem a little more difficult to apply.

If you want to pay off your debt, start saving more money or getting ready for retirement, here are some tricks to have in mind.

Financial Tips to Achieve Your Money Goals

Become a better employee and ask for more money

Evaluate your skills. Consider what you really do for your employer. Don’t just look at your job title, as titles are often described differently by different companies. And never be afraid to ask for a raise!

If you just go to work just to pass the time and get some money, you will never get a decent income. Start doing your job properly. Show initiative, become irreplaceable.

And then, while others still have lousy wages, you will get more money. If not, for such an outstanding professional, there’s always another employment opportunity.

Avoid Spending More Money than You Make

People will often get in trouble and get into debt by over-spending. Budget your pay! You can’t save money that you don’t make.

It’s simple Math: if you earn $3,000/month, make sure you don’t spend more than this. Ideally keep your spending to a minimum and save as much money as you can.

Stick to Your Budget

It can be hard to stop acting on impulse. If you want to be successful, you need to make a plan and stick to it. A budget is just that, a plan.

Rich people don’t get rich by buying whatever they want whenever they want it. You won’t end up wealthy that way either.

As long as you properly budget your money and then make sure you don’t spend more than you earn, you’ll be more than fine.

Make Good Investments

If you do not already have a portfolio, contact a financial advisor to get started. Pay attention to stocks that are money-makers and stocks that aren’t. Don’t waste time waiting for a stock to come around. Fill your portfolio with well-known money makers based on the advice of your advisor.

Talking about investments, a fancy car is not an investment, nor an expensive watch, unless you can resell at a better price. Stick to the assets that won’t devalue in time or, ideally, increase in value.

Check Your Credit Report

Checking your credit report for inaccuracies regularly will help keep your finances healthy. Knowing what is on your credit report saves you time and trouble when applying for loans, mortgages, and credit cards.

Report any inaccuracies to the erring credit report bureau immediately so as to not negatively affect your credit score.

Always Check for Better Interest Rates

Be aware of the interest rate you are currently paying. Check mortgage options, credit cards, store credit lines and other accounts for lower interest options.

Making payments on time gives you negotiating power to get the best possible interest rates.

Put Your Money to Work

You work hard for your money. Financially healthy people make their money work hard for them too! Check your budget for better uses for your money. Instead of putting extra money into savings, make an extra payment on a loan or mortgage. Always speak to a financial professional before making early payoff decisions.

Pay Off Your Debt

Start paying down items you purchased on credit that have the highest interest rates first. Credit companies will usually make a deal when you call to make a payment in full. Talk them down! Paying off your debt will improve your overall credit rating.

Pay Your Savings Just Like a Bill

Most people decide what to put into a savings account after they have paid everything else. Doing this, they end up having little to nothing to put into savings. Pretend your savings account is a bill; you will be more likely to add to it. Make a monthly commitment, and pay it. This way, you will have extra money when you need it.

Check into Employment Benefits

Many benefits offered by employers can lower your taxes and out-of-pocket expenses. Flexible spending accounts, 401(k) plans, and health insurance are a few benefits that can help you improve your finances.

Risk Management

Wealth is not created without taking risks. With great risk, comes great reward. Work consistently on risk assessment and management to make sure the risks you are taking are leading you toward a healthy financial situation.

Commit to the Cause

The steps you take to grow your finances are yours to make. Develop a plan and make it happen. Put your full commitment into it. And don’t back out! When you are willing to make the commitment to financial health, you will achieve your finance goals.

High-Interest Banking

Many banks now offer high-interest checking and savings account that can generate a little extra money. These are safe investments because all you have to do is put your money in the bank and watch it grow!

Be Frugal

Make it a goal to cut spending. Find ways to spend less on the items you have to buy.

Don’t Worry, Act Instead

You can sit all day and worry about your financial situation. The reality is worrying will do nothing to fix the problems. Take action! Figure out what needs to be done. Make a plan and do it!

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Cheryl Zhao
Cheryl Zhao

Cheryl Zhao, a financial expert, has been a part of our team for five years. After earning her MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management, she worked as a real estate broker before turning to blogging. Cheryl’s extensive knowledge of the housing market and trends, coupled with her passion for financial literacy, makes her blog posts an essential read for anyone considering becoming financially independent.

Articles: 541

One comment

  1. Just took our emergency savings and moved it into an online higher interest savings account. We also set up an automatic withdrawal from our checks to go into the new savings account. First time we have done that! So excited. Thank you so much for clear, concise information that is easy to digest and follow.

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