Union Plus Credit Card

If you are looking for more information on what exactly a Union Plus credit card has to offer, both good and bad, then you will want to read this review so you know whether to go for it or not. This information that follows will explain both the positive and negative sides that Union Plus credit card holders experience so you will have enough infromation to to base as solid descision off of and be happy with that descision for good.

Union Plus Credit Card – Pros and Cons

There are multiple benefits of the Union Plus credit cardHere are the great aspects that their customers experience:

  • The first benefit is that they have an online payment system where you can do multiple things related to your credit card like payments, viewing past history as well as receiving your statement. Like many companies out there, they are making the shift to the internet method as a way to go paperless, trying to cut down on the waste of paper.
  • By being a Union Plus credit card holder, you get full access to what they call their Union Plus Travel Center, where you will find multiple discounts on everything travel related so you can get the same trip for a discounted price. The disounts you will find in there are for anything from car rentals, flights and entertainment to condo and hotel rentals.
  • It is the only credit card that is currently endorsed by the AFL – CIO or the American Union Movement.
  • The Union Plus credit card also come with their Take Control Of Your Credit program where you will get online access to your three different credit reports that are merged along with you current credit score, use their Score Tracker to set up a plan of action to boost your credit score as well as keep tabs on your credit score progess and lastly you will get email alerts when there is a key change to your credit.
  • The Union Plus credit card also gives those who are looking to take Princeton Reviews college tests prep courses the chance to get up to 60 percent off the original fee for the tests. Also for those looking to further their education, Union Plus credit card holders will be helped with the costs of education by receiving awards that Union Plus gives out.
  • You will never have to pay an annual fee, and will be given priority when it comes to discounts as well as getting exclusive member benefits and rates.
  • You will be refunded the difference if by chance you find a lower rate than what is offered on the Union card.
  • The APR for balance transfers is at 8.9 percent.
  • Card holders can also use their Union Plus broadband phone service where they can make all the calls they want for 199 dollars a year.
  • Excellent fraud protection and insured up to 100,000 dollars for travel accident insurance.
  • Like most other cards, there is no interest charged if you pay your balance in full.


  • You must be a union member to join in order to qualify for a card
  • There is no rewards for spending money on your Union Plus credit card.
  • The cash advance interest rate is at 20.99 percent.

Union Plus credit card – Conclusion

As you can tell the benefits by all means outweigh the negative as it is hard to even find bad reviews on the Union Plus credit card. If you are in the Union and are looking for excellent options when it comes to a credit card that is geared towards exactly your situation, the Union Plus credit card is highly suggested and will make multiple areas of your life cheaper and easier.

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Cheryl Zhao
Cheryl Zhao

Cheryl Zhao, a financial expert, has been a part of our team for five years. After earning her MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management, she worked as a real estate broker before turning to blogging. Cheryl’s extensive knowledge of the housing market and trends, coupled with her passion for financial literacy, makes her blog posts an essential read for anyone considering becoming financially independent.

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