How to Promote Your Startup Online and Increase Your Sales

Did you create a website for your startup and found out that you need to do more to get sales? Years ago, all you had to do was build a website and you’d get an audience for it the next day. It’s more complicated now. You’ve probably attended a workshop or two on how one can leverage the internet to expand business and make great sales (If you haven’t or have forgotten, you can read up about this here). Maybe you have social media accounts set up to better promote online. And it still doesn’t bring you enough clients. Here are 7 ways to get better website conversions from your business website: Properly build your business website and optimize it You can’t promote your startup effectively if you don’t have a website. I’ve met companies who spent a lot of money on advertising and failed to build a proper website. When advertising money is gone, so is your chance to get customers at your virtual door. There’s nothing wrong with paying for advertising, but make sure you have a proper website set up, so that you can redirect all this traffic ‘somewhere’. Optimize the site by making it visually appealing (using more pictures, videos, and great graphics), mobile friendly and making sure pages load quickly, so users can easily access it and be persuaded to stay longer on it. You can test your site here to check if it’s mobile-friendly. Create a business blog and update it Over 75% of my web design clients come from my web design and SEO blog. It’s a lot of business I couldn’t get, if I failed to create a proper blog, showcasing my knowledge and convincing my clients that I can help solve their online businesses. If you noticed, most big companies keep […]

What Is SEO Writing and How Does it Help You Side Hustle

What is SEO writing? Isn’t all web content the same? SEO writing plays a great part in getting traffic to a website. And if you’re looking to side hustle to start earning money from home or even open up a freelancing business, content writing gigs make for a great place to start! For the untrained eye, all websites look alike. Search engines though see websites in a very different manner. What do you think a website owner wants to achieve when they set up a new website and make it look like eye-candy for the public? Regardless of the niche or the type of website (blogs, forums, business showcase websites), your main goal should be to get as many people as possible to visit it and read its content. In other words, you should generate organic website traffic with the help of SEO writing for your clients. How does SEO writing help a website (and help you earn money with your new freelancing business) Besides proper search engine optimization techniques, SEO writing is your best chance at attracting organic traffic for a website (visitors who find you on various search engines, without the help of paid advertising). Millions of people use the search engines every minute of every day. And they are all looking to find useful information that could help them solve their problems. Google, Bing, Yahoo and others are still the no. 1 source people go to when they need to look for something specific. And it’s the well optimized, quality content that determines the search engines to push a website to the top. You could use SEO optimized content to help your clients boost their website or even practice web content writing on your own freelance portfolio.  SEO writing is content written in such a way that it targets […]