Sears Credit Card Payment

Your Sears credit card payment should be as painless as possible, that’s what Sears believes and stands for. Whether you have a Sears credit card that you are making payments on or you are looking for information on what your experience will be like when it comes to a Sears credit card payment then look no further as this article will introduce you to all the different credit cards Sears has to offer as well as details on discounts and perks that a Sears card will bring you. Lastly this article will show you the Sears credit card payment plans.

Sears Credit Card Payment

Sears Credit Card Payment Methods

  • Walk In – You can walk into one of over 2000 different locations and pay your Sears credit card payment at one of the registers.
  • By Mail – Sending your credit card bill payment to Sears can be done as well by sending it to the payment address that is on your Sears statement. You will want put a check with your account number on it into the envelope they provide for you with your statement, as well as you can include your current statement in the envelope as well.
  • Online – Online Sears credit card payments can be done at no cost, and need to be a minimum of 10 dollars. Not only can you pay your bills online with the Sears online payment method, you can also view account history, find payment due dates, history of transactions and more. In order to start paying your Sears credit card payment online, you will have to become a member on the Sears Secure Sign On website, which can be done by clicking “Register” which is on the right hand side of the box that says “Not registered yet”. You will then be asked to fill out information pertaining to both yourself as well as your Sears credit card.

If you happen to have any questions about your credit card account, you can call toll free at 1 – 800 – 366 – 3817.

If you have lost your card or had it stolen, call the following number as soon as possible: 1 – 800 – 599 – 9712.

Different Sears Credit Cards

There are 4 cards that Sears has that allow options you to make your purchases at Sears as well as to make your Sears credit card payment on and they provide benefit for business as well as comsumers. This section will give you the details on all the credit cards that are at your avail.

  • Standared- This card is great for first time users and provides and excellent discounts on your first purchase as well as prividing you with coupons to save as well as letting you be the first to know which sales are out there to take advantage of. Also if you are going to be returning anything you bought while being a standard card holder, you do not have to have the reicept in order to get your money back on whatever you purhcased because it will already be in your purhcase details.
  • Sears mastercard – This card allows you to purhase what you are looking for at a much wider range of stores than the standart credit card does. It also allows you to view payment history online along with free interest purchases at times and allows you to make cash advances from different ATMS. It also provides most of the perks of the Standard.
  • Commerical One Payment Card – This one is designated for business owners as well as for companies a can be used by more than just one of the business’s employees. This card also allows the user to get many discounts from the other stores that are parters with Sears.
  • Home Impovement Card – This card is great for those customers that are looking to make large purchases like for home improvement projects that may take a lot out of your bank account if you didn’t put it one this card. WIth these purchases Sears will also provide you with discounted installation of the specific home improvement items that you purchases as well as provide you with a plan that has a low interest rate.

As far as Sears credit card payments go on the cards mentioned above, here are some things that you can keep in mind. First off, you will not have any annual fees on your Sears credit card.  You can pay online with Sears with the peace of mind that they have an excellent credit card payment software that proects each payment you make to them. The other option is the more conventional way of bringing the payment into a Sears location or mailing it in.

Sears Credit Card Payments – Conclusion

Whether you are looking to buy sparingly or are looking to buy year around, the Sears credit card payment option will offer you the chance to take advantage of the excellent deals that you will be notified about as well as saving you money in the long run on everything you buy with their discounts for card owners. The Sears credit card payment plan will also allow you to spread out what you are spend on small and large projects instead of having one large lump sum each time you purchase at Sears. The following cards will all be Citibank cards as Sears is partnered with Citibank.

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Cheryl Zhao
Cheryl Zhao

Cheryl Zhao, a financial expert, has been a part of our team for five years. After earning her MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management, she worked as a real estate broker before turning to blogging. Cheryl’s extensive knowledge of the housing market and trends, coupled with her passion for financial literacy, makes her blog posts an essential read for anyone considering becoming financially independent.

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