Mervyns Credit Card Payment

Mervyns had to rain on our parade and decided to close down their stores due to bankruptcy back in 2008, but leaving many with a Mervyns credit card payment and no where to shop. Good news is that you can still pay off your credit card bill to Mervyns as there are various methods that you can use to get your payment in, which are discussed right below.

Mervyns Credit Card Payment

Mervyns Credit Card Payment Methods

  • Mail – You can shoot your credit card payment to Mervyns out through the mail which will mean that you will need to take an envelope and make out a check out for what you owe and mail it to the address that is on your Mervyns statement. There should be instructions as well which will tell you what to include in the envelope.
  • Online – You can also make your credit card payment to Mervyns online which makes life much easier and regards no stamps or licking envelopes. All you have to do to make your payments online is to go to the online payment page which is a site created just for payments but not affiliated with Mervyns an any way shape or form. If you happen to already be a user, all you have to do is enter your “User ID” then click log in. For those who have not yet created an account one can do so simply by clicking “new user – register my account” which is located right under the log in information. To get started all you have to do is visit the following link, which will take you to the page where you can get the process started: Mervyns credit card payment . Once you have completed your registration, you will want to come back to the same page that your started at which then you will want to enter your User ID that you created then look on the left hand side of the page which will have options for “Payments” as well as the possibility to set up auto payments. If for any reason this website doesn’t work, you will want to use the mailing Mervyns card payment method above.

NOTE: If you have been getting calls from a 1-866 number or a 1-877 number stating the are GE and are looking to collect money from you in the form of your Mervyns credit card payment, do not pay them as they are rumored to be a scam.

Canceling Your Card

If you are ready to cancel your Mervyns credit card you can do so with ease by calling: 1 – 800 – 480 – 5014 which is the number for GE Money Bank which you will be asked a series of questions to validate that you are the actual card holder as well as other questions that will allow them to cancel your account. This is only the cancelation number, you cannot make you Mervyns credit card payment through this line, which if you still owe money even after your credit card is canceled you will need to still make payments through one of the methods below. You can also talk to them and verify if the payment address on your Mervyns mail statement is the right address to send out your Mervyns credit card payment to, if not they will provide you with the correct address.

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Cheryl Zhao
Cheryl Zhao

Cheryl Zhao, a financial expert, has been a part of our team for five years. After earning her MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management, she worked as a real estate broker before turning to blogging. Cheryl’s extensive knowledge of the housing market and trends, coupled with her passion for financial literacy, makes her blog posts an essential read for anyone considering becoming financially independent.

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