As soon as you start earning money, even if very young, you should start your retirement planning and creating a proper retirement fund. There are multiple strategies to save for retirement and chances are you’ll put most of them into practice for your golden years. And now you are retired. Are you pleased with your retirement fund? Do you think your money will last you all the retirement? Are you foreseeing any new retirement expenses you didn’t account for? Whatever your retirement fund status now, there are ways you can still make the most out of your money. Here are few tricks to stretch your retirement fund: Downsize One of the biggest expenses we have in our lives is related to our house. Even if you paid off your mortgage off years ago, a posh home location will cost you a lot: taxes, utilities, repairs etc. What if I told you there are places in this world that are amazingly beautiful and less expensive to live in? If you don’t mind switching countries, you can easily find a paradise location and live there for a fraction of the costs you incur in the US. Even better … you can rent your house in the US and use the money you earn like this to live in the new country. In many such places your rent alone could easily cover for rent, utilities, food and even some traveling. If you don’t like the idea of going outside the US, there are less expensive states to live in. Just look around and find the best location for you. Do you have too many empty rooms in your house? You can rent them and earn money, even if you don’t like the idea of moving out of your house. Understand how much money […]