Credit Card Blog

How to best manage your emails

I HATE EMAILS! Now, I said it. Years ago I’d be thrilled to get ‘noticed’ and someone to send me a message. Then times changed. Now I receive spam, unwanted ‘funny’ stuff from friends that don’t understand that some people…

2012’s eve

New year’s eve is coming up next.Every first day of every year we make plans for the next 365 days and say there’s time to do them all. There isn’t. Look, another year passed by us already. They say the…

My top 10 pics for 2011

This year we traveled a lot. Spent 6 months in the US (New York City), visited Georgia, Alabama and Florida, spent 1 month already in Spain on Costa del Sol. Only 5 months were spent at home in Romania, so…

Save Money Save Your Future

In today’s consumerist economy, most people come to spend more than their income. Savings are often an ignored concept. If you ask anyone why they are not saving, the answer would be ‘How can I, when I don’t make enough…

A walk in Dresden

Few years ago we’d visit Germany twice per year: in March and October/November, so that my guy would attend Numismata, a great numismatic convention that would take place either in Munich or Berlin. While he was buying coins and tokens,…

Obesity is NO joke. Time to take action!

When I was a kid we had 2 overweight classmates from a 40 children group. Parents claimed endocrine problems. Weird enough one of them lost the extra pounds when in high-school, only the girl is still seriously over a normal…

Sugar free Tiramisu

When i was 18 years i must have probably slept in the fridge for days (or weeks) and ate everything that dropped in my mouth while snoring (i can’t back that up with any scientific research, but i am pretty…