Credit Card Blog

Small Business Credit Card

Small Business Credit Card

A small business credit card will be available via most popular and well-known credit card companies. Getting this type of card will allow you to buy what you need for your business on credit, rather than needing to pay cash…

Organize for University

University is a completely new way of life for most people and it comes as a shock to most people involved due to the sheer change in the way you have to conduct yourself. Your routines change, your schedules become…

The risk of sex at a young age

Being a teenager and hitting puberty are two of the most difficult periods of our lives. We’ve all been there and we’ve all had our head in the clouds and all we could think about was sex. I presume everyone…

Study Time

The art of studying is not one to be taken lightly. Everybody has their own interpretation of what constitutes good and effective studying techniques but only some of these techniques work. Many people say that cramming the night before an…

Croatia: Trsteno Arboretum

It’s no secret we love Croatia and had a blast every time we spent our vacation there (3 times to this date, we’re planning a 17 day vacation this May … so 5 weeks from now). It’s an amazing country…

Let’s begin a productive week

Whether you are self-employed or working ‘for the man’, one thing is sure, you cannot let time pass and not do your job. The problem is that, while we might have some super-productive days, there are times when we just…

Don’t believe everything you read online

There was a time when people were careful when writing something to post online. With time, unfortunately  the tons of information we read are, most of the time, a bunch of lies. Yes, that’s right, lies. People usually lie to cover…