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Productivity: The Eisenhower Decision Matrix

Productivity. I never cared for it until I hit a wall with my business and personal life. Back in 2009 I decided to take on freelancing full time. It wasn’t all ‘my’ decision, it was because the radio station I worked with closed down and there were little chances to get the same salary anywhere else in the city. July 2009 left me jobless and with debt, this was the worst moment of my young life and the ‘click’ I needed to turn my web design hobby into something real. You can read about my story on PFtoday – Freelancing Success Story – From Debt to a Successful Business, now I’d like us to go a bit further in my personal history and see another crucial moment enfold. In 2014 I became a mother and also tried to keep on working 8-12 hours/day on my web design business. As you can imagine, with a small baby in my hands, things soon got out of whack. There I was, few months into motherhood, exhausted and angry. My business was going downhill and I was stressed out, tired and angry. I started watching some Udemy courses on running a freelancing business and things cleared out in my head: as I could not get more hours a day to work, since I really wanted to be there for my daughter, the logical solution was to do more work in a shorter amount of time, hence become productive. This is when I first heard of The Eisenhower Decision Matrix. As you can guess, the name comes from Dwight D. Eisenhower, who was the 34th President of the US, also a five star general during the WWII. The entire system is based on a quote that’s attributed to him: What is important is seldom urgent […]

Guide on Writing an MBA Finance Dissertation

Writing an MBA finance dissertation can be a nerve-wracking experience. After all, it’s only your name and reputation that is on the line. Fortunately, for you, we’re going to help you with your MBA finance dissertation by providing you with…

What to Know before Investing in Cryptocurrencies

According to one of the top financial analysts at Olsson Capital, most governments are slowly embracing the use of Cryptocurrencies. On the other hand, crypto developers are working day and night to develop as many Cryptocurrencies as possible. Currently, there…

Buying a House? How to Best Handle the Entire Home Buying Process

Just found your dream house and are ready to become a home owner? Let’s see how you can make the entire home buying process easier: Don’t Let “First Time Buyer Jitters” Get You Down. If you have found the house that you want, now go for it! Don’t be afraid to make an offer. If you have done your homework and know that you are ready to buy, go ahead. It is very normal to get nervous the first time you buy a home but don’t let the “jitters” take over and keep you from buying a home that will appreciate through the years and give you and your family much pride and happiness. The Appraisal Appraising is somewhere between a science and an art. You can have several different appraisals and receive several different values. The real value of the house is what a buyer is willing to pay for it. In most cases, the buyer is paying for the appraisal, but you usually do not get to pick the appraiser who will do it. The bank usually has a list of approved appraisers and they will contact the one they like to use. Just remember, no matter how much they say the house is worth, it has to be the right one for you. Termite Inspections You have to have a “wood-destroying organism” report completed on the house. Do not accept a report that is more than 30 days old. This inspection will tell you if there is evidence of active infestation, previous infestation, damage from previous infestation, wood-destroying fungi, and/or damage from wood-destroying fungi. Make sure that you have a clause in your contract that requires the “wood-destroying organism” report to be clean or the seller will make the necessary treatment or repairs. Generally, the seller will […]

How to Boost Your Productivity by Using the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro technique is a productivity strategy I started using few years ago, after struggling to get more stuff done for my web design projects (and clients). When you have a nice project to work on, it’s easy to just ‘dive in‘, but sometimes tedious and yet necessary work can really be a pain. And you keep on avoiding it, while making no progress at all. I took some time off from this technique after a while (laziness would be the culprit) and I have to say that my productivity dwindled immediately. Few months ago I decided to try get back on the wagon and was able to do more productive work and get more stuff done in less time (if you followed my stories and read the course, you already know I work for 2 hours/day on average – which is very little for someone who has a web design business and also tries to run some blogs, a course etc.) For years people thought that the more hours  they worked, the better their results. Which, we already know, is not the case. Being tied to your desk for hours not only causes imminent health problems, but you are NOT being productive. Just take a regular day at the ‘office‘ and try to list the stuff you really do and all the procrastination breaks you’re taking. How many of your important tasks really get done? You’ll be shocked to understand there are (many) days when getting anything done is a huge challenge. You’ll try do some work, but will become easily distracted, tired in few hours etc. By switching to the Pomodoro technique I was amazed to see how much stuff I do get done on a daily basis. With no additional help or more working hours. And it stopped feeling daunting […]