Best Buy Credit Card Payment

If you are looking to make your Best Buy credit card payment anytime soon, you may want to familiarize yourself with the options that you have, as there are multiple. below are the methods that you can utilize to make your payment on time each month:

Best Buy Credit Card Payment Online

You can pay your Best Buy credit card payments each month online where you can enjoy other benefits like check the balance you have on your card, view previous account activity, update new information on your account and more. Being that there are three different types of categories of credit cards that Best Buy offers, Reward Zone Mastercard, Best Buy Credit Card and Rewards Zone Credit Card, you must create an account based of the credit card that you have.

In order to do so, you will need to go to their online bill paying site, and click on your credit card type under “manage your account” located on the left hand corner, you can also apply for a credit card here as well if you don’t have one yet. You will then be taken to a page where you will want to click “manage your account” which is in white lettering in a blue box, which will then take you to a page where you can either “login” or “create an account”, which both options are at the top. To get started with the online Bestbuy credit card payment system, you can visit this link: Bestbuy Credit Card Payment.

Bank Online Bill Pay

You can also set up an auto debit program through your online bank account, which will automatically deduct your Best Buy credit card payment each month, allowing you never to miss a payment or be late on a payment. You can do this by inquiring about the process through your bank who will guide you through the simple process.

Best Buy Credit Card Payment by Mail

You can also mail out your Best Buy credit card payment to the address which is provided on your Best Buy statement that you receive each month. You will want to make out a check for how much your owe, and mail it with the statement to the address provided. You will want to make sure you send this payment out at least a week in advance to make sure it gets there on time.

By Phone & By Mail – To get even more information about paying by phone and email, you can visit one of their main sites which provides information on their bill payment methods, as they seem pretty private about giving out bill payment information. You can visit the site by clicking this link: Best Buy Credit Card Payment which you will want to click on the “Paying Your Bill Link”, which you will be taken to a page on “most commonly asked questions” with links on the methods of Best Buy credit card payments.

Customer Service – If you have questions or concerns as well as need to report a lost or stolen card, you can contact their customer service representatives directly at 1 – 888 – 237 – 8298.

Best Buy Credit Card Payment – Pros & Cons

Having credit card payments is a drag for any card holder no matter who you are, but they also provide benefits that non card holders don’t get. There are two credit cards that you can choose from, the Best Buy Credit Card and the Rewards Zone Prgram Mastercard.  Here is a list of the Bestbuy credit card payment benefits.

  • The first benefit of having having a Bestbuy credit card payment is that you pay no interest at all on your purchases for the first 90 days. For the next 3 months after you first 90 days, any purchase you make over 199 is interest free.
  • For payment time, there is a very easy to use online payment system that allows you to view transactions, statements, buying history a paying your bills.
  • For the Mastercard option you can use it at any Bestbuy locations as well as use it any where that Mastercard is accepted.
  • Having a Bestbuy credit card payment will open up the opportunity to capitalize on the rewards program which offers you to build up rewards points for every dollar that you spend enabling you to use the awards points to buy things in the store.


  • Their APR rates are pretty high up there ranging from the low to mide 20’s in percentage, as well as pretty high late fees which range from 29 – 39 dollars as well as providing low credit limits for the in store only card.
  • It has been said multiple times that when they issue your information on to credit bureaus, they do not do a good job at showing that you used sparingly when it comes to your limit. Some reviews have said for example: Their credit ceiling being at 8000, then say you spent 3000, they issue your report as you spending 3000 with a 3000 spending ceiling, which in turn has a negative effect on your credit score.
  • The rewards proram is weak at best. You are awarded 2 points for every dollar spent in Best Buy, 1 point for every dollar you spend on groceries and gas purchases and 1 point as well on every 2 dollars you spend everywhere else. So for example if you spend 500 dollars you will only get 10 dollars in rewards spendings.
  • Unlike so many other rewards programs, having a Bestbuy credit card payment will award you points but they expire after a certain time then they are pretty much useless after the expiration date.
  • Although it has been stated that there is no annual fee, there has been some reviews that have said they actually got hit with an annual fee as high as 79 dollars.

Best Buy Credit Card Payments – Conclusion

Even though the Best Buy credit card payment program offers you multiple benefits, there have been instances where even their stated positive aspects haven’t been true as you can tell from the information stated above. If you buy a lot of electronics for business purposes or for whatever other reason, it may be a good idea to have Best Buy credit card payment, and I mean A LOT, but if not, then having a credit card through Best Buy doesn’t have the great track record and its probably a good call to avoid it all together.

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Cheryl Zhao
Cheryl Zhao

Cheryl Zhao, a financial expert, has been a part of our team for five years. After earning her MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management, she worked as a real estate broker before turning to blogging. Cheryl’s extensive knowledge of the housing market and trends, coupled with her passion for financial literacy, makes her blog posts an essential read for anyone considering becoming financially independent.

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